Admissions Open

Courses offered

At the + 2 levels

  • Science

    English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Biology.

  • Commerce

    English, Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies.

  • Humanities

    History, Political Science, Geography

  • Optional Subjects

    Computer Science, Physical Education, Maths, Bio.

Age Criteria

NURSURY 3 to 4 year
JUNIOR KG 4 to 5 year
SENIOR KG 5 to 6 year
CLASS 1 6 to 7 year

Documents Required

  • Self attested photo copies of the marks records of previous years (if applicable).
  • One certified/self attested photo copy of the child's birth certificate with proper name and other details written correctly.
  • Original transfer certificate from the last school attended (if any).
  • 2 passport size photos with name and date of photograph clicked of the child and the parents (both).
  • Address proof (telephone bill, electricity bill/Ration card/driving license).
  • Admission fee/registration fee in cash/cheque in favour of school.
  • Medical certificate if any specific ailment on deformity.